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 2017-03-30 14:14:37 责任编辑:admin 来源:醉寒网 访问点击:



在秦汉时期,杭州叫钱塘,流经钱塘的江,就叫钱塘江。钱塘江为什么又叫之江呢?因为从富春江下来,流经富阳到六和塔这里,曲曲折折浩浩荡荡往东奔向大海,形状就像汉字的“之” 。“之”上面的一点,表示的又是什么呢?就是西湖。在玉皇山山顶俯瞰钱塘江和西湖,就可以清楚看到“之”字形了。

Qiantang River

In the time of the Qin and Han dynasties, Hangzhou was known as Qiantang, andthe river flowing through it was known as the Qiantang River. Why is it sometimes referred to as “’s river”? This is because the Fuchun River flows through Fuyang to the Pagoda of Six Harmonies, and winds its way to the sea, taking theform of the Chinese character zhi , which is shaped like “’s”. What does apostrophe symbolise? The West Lake. When one looks down upon the river from Jade Emperor Mountain, the shape is clear.


the Bridges

Hangzhou is a typical city with water of the Jiangnan area. In total, there are more than 10,000 bridges in the city. There have already been built 7 large- scalebridges that cross the Qiantang River. The Grand Canal and the urban area all have bridges connecting various districts to each other. The West Lake and theparks also have a large number of bridges. Among them, there are some that are centuries or even a millennium old, as well as modern bridges, andnew ones still under construction. Each bridge has its own history, and theytell their stories to people. They have been witnesses of the history, look overthe present, and will see the future.


提起杭州,多数人最先想到的定是西湖,殊不知,另有一处不在西湖之下??西溪湿地。它位于杭州的西部,是国内唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地和文化湿地为一体的次生湿地。有专家将它的美提炼为“野、雅、幽、静”四个字。据说南宋高宗曾有在西溪建立都城皇宫的念头,因而便有了“西溪且留下” 的美谈。

Rhythm of the West Creek

When one mentions Hangzhou, the thing that most people think of first is the West Lake, but there is another nice area ? the West Creek Wetlands. It’s located in the west of Hangzhou, and is the only wetland area inside a city in China.It has both agricultural and cultural significance. Experts say that its beauty lies in its fields, elegance, and quietness. It’s said that the Gaozong Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty wished to build his palace here, but decided against it, prefering to preserve the beautiful area.



Hu Xueyan’s Old Residence

In the 1990s, Hu Xueyan’s old house was in ruins. It had become a place where normal people in Hangzhou live. After the government renovated the area, now thearea is a site of not just the memories of Hangzhou people, but also a place of great cultural and architectural value.



Yuhang Twin Towers

The Yuhang Twin Towers are in the south east of Yuhang Village, one on Anle Peak,and the other on the north coast of Shao Creek. They are provincial-level protected cultural locations. The Anle Tower was built in the Five Dynasties to commemorate the Wuyue Prince recovering here from a serious disease. It’s also called theTianbao Tower, or the Cibao Tower. The Shugong Tower was built during the Ming Dynasty under orders of the magistrate Shu Zhaojia, and is also called the Dibao Tower, or the Xiongbao Tower. The two white towers face each other across the creek, like two tameless flood dragons that have sat there for ages.


灵隐古刹前的那座山,叫武林山麓,是杭州的名胜古迹,我国南方古代古窟艺术重要之地。“飞来峰” 传说是从印度飞来的,周围古树参天,泉水潺潺,将自然山水与佛教名胜自然融合。飞来峰并不是一座大山峰,但内部别有洞天,每个山洞的石壁上,都雕刻有逼真的佛像与神仙,令人惊叹这一鬼斧神工。

Feilai Peak

The mountain before Lingyin Temple is called Wulin Mountain, and is a famous location in Hangzhou, as well as a culturally significant location on a national scale. “Feilai Peak” is said in legends to have flown over from India. The surrounding trees reach towards the sky, and the spring water murmurs as it flows slowly, making for a beautiful fusion of Buddhist history and natural scenery.Feilai Peak isn’t a large mountain, but it has a number of fascinating places ?caves. On the wall of each cave, there are realistic carvings of Buddhas and sages, the workmanship of which is remarkable.



Santai Mountain

Only the people of Hangzhou know the true beauty of Santai Mountain. The Hallof the Wise Men, the former residence of Huang Gongwang, the Yuqian Shrine, the Wuzhuangyuan Memorial Archway in the scenic area make you feel Hangzhou is aprofundand historial city. The teahouse within the scenic area abuts both waterand mountains, and is calm and refined with beautiful upturned eaves. When onehas time one may go with a group of friends to Santai Mountain, try some tea,observe historical locations, or eat a meal. Only the locals know the taste of having a cup of tea made with fresh spring water here.


青芝坞有两个“好听”:一条很好听的路,玉古路, 它就在这条路上;一个很好听的村,玉泉村,它属于这个村。它的地理位置也好,左拥林木繁盛的植物园,右傍世界名校浙江大学,这儿是年轻的背包客喜欢驻足下的地方,也是杭州年轻老饕们喜欢聚餐的地方。


Qingzhiwu has two nice-sounding places: first, Yugu Road (“Old Jade Road”),second is Yuquan Village (“Jade Spring Village”). There are also nice geographical features: a botanical garden to the left, and to the right, the world-famous Zhejiang University. This is a place that young back packers like to walk through, and the old people of Hangzhou like to come to meet and eat.



Manjuelong Osmanthus

The osmanthus in Hangzhou sometimes form an “osmanthus flower rain”,Manjuelong is the best place to appreciate this. In October when the winds rise, even before the weekend arrives, the scene is full of people observing the flowers, with gold, silver and red osmanthus all around. People drink, eat and enjoy themselves among the sweet smell of the blossoms as if it were heaven on earth.


夜游河坊街,感受到了这南宋老街的别样风情。和白天比,晚上这里似乎更热闹了。华灯璀璨,游人如织,和周围古色古香的建筑融为一体,好像一幅别具一格的风俗画。在这里,尝一口“老杭帮” 桂花糕,喝杯“红枣雪梨”,再逛一逛各种特色民俗小店,一天的疲惫顿时消失得无影无踪。

Hefang Street at Night

Visiting Hefang Street at night, one feels the elegance of the Southern Song Dynasty.Compared to the daytime, it’s much busier. Colourfully decorated lantern sgleam, travellers walk about, and the collected old buildings form a scene notunlike a painting. Here, one can try some authentic Hangzhou-style osmanthus cake, drink a cup of sweet jujube soup, and visit all kinds of local specialty shops. In this way, you will forget any feelings of exhaustion you may have from the day.



Imperial Street

As the cart of history rolls forward, the tracks that it leaves behind become rich history for future generations. The Southern Song Imperial Street is full of history even its name. When you step upon the stone road you are walking on athorough fare over which so many thousands of horses have galloped, when you feel with your hand touching the old wall, you’re touching something on which countless soldiers have stood watch. It’s a modern commercial centre now,but the current hustle and bustle can’t drown out the avenue’s boisterous past.One thing that hasn’t changed since ancient times is the common wish of the peoplefor a prosperous and peaceful country.



Xiaohezhi Street

Xiaohezhi Street is located along the canal in the north of the city where the canal,Little River, and Yuhangtang River meet. There are mixed-use buildings here from the end of the Qing Dynasty, with stores on the ground floor and residence above, built in the old style from wood. One feels that time has stopped when walking the narrow alleys between the weather-worn buildings. Walking among the small shops selling soy sauce, pickles, cloth, eggs and liquor, it’s almost asif one has travelled back in time. If one has free time, it’s nice to visit at eahouse alone and experience a bit of history.


西湖区有个宋江村。传说当年施耐庵写《水浒传》的时候, 才思枯竭,离家游历,后被杭州美景吸引,就在杭州西溪河良渚买下一座二层楼的土木房,楼下开茶楼, 南来北往的商贩和当地百姓都爱到此喝茶聊天。施耐庵因有了这些丰富的资料而写成《水浒传》,此村也就被称为宋江村了。

The History of Songjiang Village

In the West Lake District, there is a place called Songjiang Village. Legend says that When Shi Nai’an was writing Water Margin , he ran into writer’s block, and left home to travel. He was attracted by the beauty of Hangzhou, and bought atwo-storey wooden house in Liangzhu in the West Creek area. He opened at eahouse on the first storey, and it became popular with both travelling merchants and the local population. The stories he told allowed him to write Water Margin , and the village was named Songjiang Village.


古时,杭州有十大城门,每座城门外演绎着各色的世俗风情,且看这杭曲小调:百官(武林)门外鱼担儿,坝子(艮山)门外丝篮儿,正阳(凤山)门外跑马儿,螺蛳(清泰)门外盐担儿,草桥(望江)门外菜担儿,候潮门外酒坛儿,(清波) 门外柴担儿,涌金门外划船儿,钱塘门外香篮儿,太平(庆春)门外粪担儿。

The City Gates of Old Hangzhou

In ancient times, the city of Hangzhou had ten gates, and outside of each ofthem had its own special scene outside: fish outside the Wulin Gate, cocoonsoutside the Genshan Gate, horses outside the Fengshan gate, salt outside the Qingtai Gate, vegetables outside the Wangjiang Gate, liquor outside the HouchaoGate, firewood outside the Qingbo Gate, paddleboats outside the Yongjin Gate, incense outside the Qiantang Gate and fertiliser outside the Qingchun Gate.



Wind on Mount Wu

Three mountains and one city ? in Hangzhou, mountains aren’t a rarity, but MountWu is the only one situated in the old city area. It has a close relationship withthe people of Hangzhou, and is a part of the lives of the city residents. Today,at the foot of the mountain, as well as its mid-reaches, there are people living.They walk the mountain after eating, chatting as they go. People like to meetup on the mountain, looking at the clouds as they talk about their daily affairs.Looking out at the scene from the Chenghuang Pavilion, one can see rivers,lakes, mountains, and the city all at once ? a truly beautiful sight.



Site of the First Yue Opera

The former residence of Chen Wanyuan is the site of the first performance of Yue Opera. His family was well off, and for his father’s 50th birthday, they invited Ma Chaoshui and other performers from Sheng Country of Shaoxing to put on performances. They asked Ma Chaoshui to perform Pearl Tower as they were bored with the normal form of storytelling with accompaniment after lunch, the performer sadorned simple costumes and performed Fang Qing Parts with His Mother , Pavilionof the Nine Pines and other plays, making it the first time the original styleof storytelling was transformed into a costumed performance. This is how YueOpera, otherwise known as Shaoxing Opera, was born.



Twin Lakes

Everyone knows about the West Lake in Hangzhou, but not many know about the Xiang Lake, also in the city. It sits on the south side of the Qiantang River, and provides a counter point to the West Lake. Together they are known as the “Westand Xiang Lakes”. The water of the lake is clear, and the scenery is excellent.It’s famous for the wooden boat unearthed here almost 8,000 years ago. Tao Xingzhi founded the Xiang Lake Normal Academy next to the lake. The lake is a place with rich cultural history and excellent natural scenery, and together with the West


在胡庆余堂内,很多匾额都是朝外挂的,唯独一块“戒欺” 的匾额是挂在营业厅后,面对经理室、 账房间, 专门挂给员工看。 匾书:“凡百贸易均着不得欺字,药业关系性命尤为万不可欺。 ”这种道德上的自觉, 秉承了传统文化中最基本的德行准则。 “戒欺”是胡庆余堂的一种店规、一种理念,更是一种道德、一种文化。

AnInward-facing Sign

Inside Hu Qingyu Tang, there are many signs that face outside, but only one thatfaces inside. It has a simple message: “Don’t cheat”. It faces the supervisor andaccountant’s offices, and is there for the employees to see. It reminds the accountantsto not cheat on the books, and the other employees to not cheat the customers.This kind of moral self-awareness is one of the fundamental moral principles intraditional culture. “Don’t cheat” is part of the rules of the shop, a concept,and more than that, a moral code and a kind of culture.



郭庄作为一家沿西湖而筑的私家园林,可谓把借西湖湖山绝美之景做到了极致。不仅使自己成为西湖中一小景,更使西湖成了自家最大景。立于园内“乘风邀月 ”轩,则六桥烟柳,湖光山色尽收眼底;登假山顶上之“赏心悦目 ”亭,则居高临下,四围山色,环湖胜景,饱览无余。秋夜里于亭中吟饮赏月,真乃神仙之乐。

Guo’s Villa

Guo’s Villa is a private garden along the bank of the West Lake, and can besaid to be one of the nicest spots on the lake. It’s a small piece of sceneryon the lake, and from inside the entire scenery of the lake is the view that itenjoys. Within, there is a “wind and moon corridor”, the famous “six smokywillows”, and a great view of the lake and mountains. One may climb a rockeryto the “Pavilion of Wonderful Views” to enjoy a panoramic view of rocks andwater. It’s a great place to enjoy a drink on an autumn night.




Holding to Faith

Behind a narrow door, a wooden cotton gin kicks into gear, and sends cotton dustflying around the room. On the partition is a cotton quilt, and hung upon thewall is an image of recently deceased third-generation shop owner Pan Wenbiao.Can this hundred-year-old shop, Pan Yongtai’s Cotton, hold out in the area of handcrafted cotton processing when the field is almost on the brink ofextinction? “Don’t worry about how much we earn, what’s important is that wekeep going,” says Pan’s daughter about her conviction to keep on running Hangzhou’slast cotton store of this kind.


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